Publication Fee

Technology, Innovation and Special Education Research Journal  guarantees that no publication fees from any library or reader to access the electronic articles will be charged. However, all costs incurred in domain name feeshosting (journal hosting fee – TISER Journal is also published on an independent site at, site design, update, development and technical support fee, secretarial and layout service fee, registration fee to international directories (index) lies with the author(s).  Author(s) must pay these charges before the article evaluation process regardless of the acceptance/rejection condition. This payment does not indicate that the article uploaded by the author will certainly be published. Author(s) whose article is not accepted for publication can send a second article to our journal without paying an additional service fee.
As per the resolution passed by Turkish Higher Education Council at the General Assembly dated March 03, 2019, an article published in TISER can be included in the applications (declaration) for associate professorship since the journal falls under the clause of “Journals that charge fees -regardless of acceptance/rejection condition- during application”.